SF-UCS Training



It is comprehensive preparation of the individual levels with the elements of cross-fit and precision shooting from a pistol and rifle with a duration of 5 hours.

In the second half of the training, it is possible to do a test in the given Level, or just come in to do the test.

Also suitable as preparation for the SF-UCS Challenge.

Training demo

If you are still not sure, watch the video from one of our training sessions.

SF-UCS training

What you will need

Required number of bullets:
- Pistol 100
- Rifle 100

Fixtures and fittings:
- Hearing protectors
- Firing glasses
- Clothes suitable for this type of training

Training Fee: CZK 1000
Test Fee: CZK 300

7 difficulty levels

The T-Shirt with a patch of stars can be worn only by a person who has successfully accomplished the Level Test. You know a real fighter by the number of stars.
7 * is the absolute elite!


SF-UCS training registration

Register for one of the upcoming SF-UCS training sessions.

Select the date
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